
2009 : 2008 : 2007 : 2006 : 2005 : 2004 : 2003 : 2002 : 2001 : 2000 : 1999 : 1998 : 1997 : 1996 : 1995 : 1994

programthematic project seriesartistic contributions

introduction : concept : artistic contributions : symposium
Exhibition dates: 28 October 2005 – 15 January 2006

FernWeh – Forum Tourismus & Kritik in the iz3w... (2005) - FernWeh

La Suisse inconnue. La vallée de Lötschental (1916) - Frederick Burlingham

Frühe Postkarten – Medium zwischen Ferne und Heimat (2005) - Susanna Kumschick

A Breathtaking Backdrop, ongoing project (2005) - Pia Lanzinger

I want to go there, I have to go there, that's me
ongoing project (2005) - Christian Mayer/Yves Mettler/Marion Ronca

déjà vu (1999) - Lisl Ponger

Be my Guest (2005) - Sascha Reichstein

Mapping tourism: a cartography of dreams and nightmares (2005) - Philippe Rekacewicz

Paradise Revised (2005) - Ruby Sircar

RE:Looking (2004) - Hoy Cheong Wong

Exhibition dates: February 25 - May 7, 2006

Venezuela from Below (2004) - Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler

Coexistencia (2003) - Donna Conlon

Overseas (2006) - Minerva Cuevas

San Keller Proclaims Your Message in Zurich (2005/2006)
The World Made of Swiss Chocolate (2006) - San Keller

Res Helvetica: A Summit in the Swiss Alps (2006) - Christian Mayer/Yves Mettler/Marion Ronca

The Kotmale Project (2006)
Kotmale (2005) - Jesper Nordahl

Maps (2006) - Philippe Rekacewicz

the expert, Part 1 (2006) - Sofie Thorsen

Exhibition dates: 4 November 2006 - 28 January 2007

Dort Zuhause (There at home) (2006) - Franca Candrian

Sur nos monts - Reiseberichte ins Herz der Schweiz (On our mountains – account of
journeys into the heart of Switzerland)
(2006) - Cicero Egli und ACOR SOS Racisme

forshed (2006) - forschungsgruppe_f

Recolonize Cologne (2005) - Kanak TV

2006 – 1892 = 114 ans / Jahre
(2006 – 1892 = 114 years)
(2006) - Brigitta Kuster und Moise Merlin Mabouna

Vor den Kopf gestoßen (Hit the mark) (2006) - Pia Lanzinger

TAXI RÜCKSPIEGELBLICK (2006) - Anne Lorenz und Rebekka Reich

Hotel Helvetia (2006) - Christian Mayer und Yves Mettler

schrei! (scream!) (2005) - Caterina Mona

Jinnah Cricket Club (2004) - Jesper Nordahl

Spass ohne Grenzen? - Kinder lesen aus dem neuen Asyl- und Ausländergesetz
(Unbounded Fun? - children read from the new asylum and immigration law)
(2006) - Silvia Orthwein-Erhard und Daniel Usbeck

Migration and Borders (2006) - Philippe Rekacewicz / 777.
Intervention at the main station in Zurich, eBoard (2006) - Oliver Ressler

Voices in Transit (2004) - Hanna Salzer und Philip Hofmänner

Alles Reiche kommt von Außen
(All wealth come from outside) (2006) - SCHLEUSER.NET

Afternoon in the Uganda Forest (2006) - Sofie Thorsen

Yazids Brüder (Yazid’s brothers) (2006) - David Vogel

Hotel City (2006) - Diana Wyder