
2009 : 2008 : 2007 : 2006 : 2005 : 2004 : 2003 : 2002 : 2001 : 2000 : 1999 : 1998 : 1997 : 1996 : 1995 : 1994

concept : meeting : artists : filmprogramme
Andreja Kuluncic

Andreja Kuluncic, lives and works in Zagreb, Croatia
A primary aspect of my work is creating collaborations with the general public around current social issues. These issues are introduced through scientific, technological and philosophical "experts", as well as through a combination of physical, and virtual spaces for theoretical discussion. The intent is to open a dialog with as many participants of different areas - cultural, political, social/economical backgrounds as possible. Ultimately, I hope that the project will give the participants insight into subjects that they are not usually able to communicate with i.e. genetic engineering, social justice, population, social concerns, as well as to give “voice” to the unprivileged groups of our society.

Political art intervention (September 2007 - March 2008)

The action wants to make available a tool for illegalised persons* in Switzerland through which they can attain visibility on the political and public level. The Sans-Papiers (undocumented immigrants) are invited to donate one franc for the renovation of the Swiss Parliament, which is currently under renovation, through the account of S-PAZ (Centre for Illegal Persons).

The Parliament is the public voice of every country, and in addressing it they are addressing their request to Swiss society. With this act of donation to society, the Sans-Papiers send a message that they want to take part in carrying out obligations but also in having privileges in the society they are living and working in.

The project consists of:

An open invitation to all Sans-Papiers to participate anonymously in the action.
The flyer is a way to reach as many illegalised people as possible.

In several cities on public displays the people will be able to follow the amount that has been paid so far into the account for donations. The same information will be available in the media and on the web site of the action:

The end of the action is a donation of the collected money to the Parliament. We will follow the reaction of the Members of Parliament and the public to the donation.

* Activists estimate that about 300.000 undocumented people are living in a precarious situation in Switzerland, the ‘official’ number is 80.000.

«1 SFR = 1 VOICE»

Project development

Since September 2007, Andreja Kulunčić, Bea Schwager from the Sans-Papiers information centre in Zurich and the Shedhalle have been working on the action 1 CHF = 1 VOICE. The project is by, with and for persons without documents (Sans-Papiers) who are enforcedly pushed into an invisibility. They and others wishing to show solidarity are called to donate a Swiss franc. In summer 2008 the collected donations will be handed over in the name of Sans-Papiers to the federal parliament as ‘?nancial aid’ for renovation work on the parliament building. This shall guarantee a long-term symbolic visible presence in the federal parliament, reminding the parliamentarians every single day of the need to take political action and challenging them to ?nally recognise how Sans-Papiers contribute to society (e. g. through work in the care economy): the action aims at giving Sans-Papiers a voice and making them visible.

Since September 2007, the project has been circulated in the Swiss and, above all, Zurich public domains through ?yers, an eBoard clip at the main railway station, notices, advertising spots in cinemas and newspaper articles. A video (story board by Iris Ströbel in collaboration with the curatorial team) has also been produced for and about the project that illuminated the campaign from a variety of perspectives. Voices from Sans-Papiers, political initiatives, the artist and the curatorial team on the perceptions and perspectives of the project are gathered together in a series of interviews. The ?lm was shown in the exhibition, informing viewers about the action while at the same time addressing potential supporters who wanted to show their solidarity by contributing to the action. The date of the public donation will be announced.

PC 85-482137-7
Sans-Papiers Anlaufstelle
8026 Zürich
Subject: 1chf -1voice


Ending of the action 1 CHF = 1 VOICE by Andreja Kuluncic
Donation to the Swiss Parliament

Within the WOCHE DER MIGRANTINNEN (week of the migrants) the donation as
contribution for the renovation of the Parliament will be handed to
representatives of the Bundeshaus in the name of the Sans-Papiers in front
of the parliamentary press on Monday, 15 September 2008 at 1.30 p.m. in the
Parliament in Berne. Through this contribution we would like to call on to
renovate the political attitude towards Sans-Papiers and to open a dialogue
on the precarious life conditions of Sans-Papiers in Switzerland.

People who want to show their solidarity are more than welcome!
We will inform you about the reaction of the Parliament!

More information about the Woche der MigrantInnen:
The action is part of the project series Work to do! Self-organisation in
precarious working conditions.
More information:

Perspectives and voices on the action by the Sans-Papiers, the political levels, activists, initiatives, associations and organisations, and cultural practitioners were collated in a video. Please ask for the DVD in the Shedhalle.

Letter by Eric Voruz (SP National Council and head of the Sans-Papiers Platform) to the President of the National Council:

La présente lettre est également adressée à Monsieur André Bugnon, Président du Conseil national.

Le 2 septembre 2008
Concerne : MON FRANC = MA VOIX

Monsieur le Président,
Vous le savez certainement, j’ai repris la présidence de la plate-forme nationale pour les « Sans-Papiers », coordination présidée auparavant par Madame Anne-Catherine Ménétrey alors Conseillère nationale.
Le titre de la présente missive vous étonnera peut-être, mais c’est simple à expliquer. Il y a plusieurs mois, alors que le Palais fédéral était en pleine transformation lourde, des artistes et des membres de la coordination ont eu l’idée de lancer une action appelée « MON FRANC = MA VOIX ». Ainsi, donner un franc « pour la rénovation de Parlement » veut dire que notre Economie emploie de nombreux et nombreuses collaborateurs, dits « sans-papiers », démontrant qu’ils vivent en Suisse, travaillent dur et contribuent au bien commun. Par « sans-papiers » il faut comprendre qu’ils possèdent bien un document d’identité mais n’ont pas de permis de travail (à ne pas confondre au statut de réfugié) Pourtant, ils financent l’AVS et paient des impôts par exemple.
Au vu de ce qui précède, l’action « MON FRANC = MA VOIX » est bien celle des sans-papiers eux-mêmes. La récolte du FRANC a recueilli la somme de CHF 1'200.00, bien sûr cette somme est bien insuffisante pour financer une partie des transformations du Palais fédéral. Cependant, les artistes qui ont eu cette idée désirent transmettre l’enveloppe à l’Assemblée fédérale, ceci lors de l’ouverture de la session d’automne des Chambres fédérales.
Le but de ma lettre est donc de vous demander s’il est possible d’organiser une petite manifestation dans le hall central du Palais fédéral et si vous êtes disponible lundi 15 septembre 2008, vers 13h30 pour la remise de l’enveloppe ?
Dans l’attente d’une réponse que je souhaite positive, je vous prie de recevoir, Monsieur le Président, mes salutations les meilleures.

Au nom de la plate-forme nationale pour les « Sans-Papiers »
Eric Voruz, conseiller national.

Renovation works of the parliament in Berne

Cheque of the donation

Plate referring to the renovation contribution with the words “donated by Sans-Papiers”

Rejection of the donation through the President of the National Council, forwarded by Eric Voruz

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