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programon the spotjump into cold watercontributions

jump into cold water : contributions
Maria Pask
The Summer School Exercise Book, 2005

The Summer School Exercise Book is a compilation of warm-up techniques and exercises I employed when working with the participants on the project Summer School in 2005. I began using the exercises with my own art students a couple of years ago when I found that I needed to use a slightly different teaching strategy on a Monday morning. The exercises are modifications from some of the many examples and techniques used in dance improvisation, theatre and children’s theatre, games, New Age rituals as well as a hybridization of self-awareness therapies. I found that by beginning the day with a different combination of exercises that focused on a specific goal, the exercises actually worked. They functioned as a catalyst for the students to open up and connect with each other, enabling them to become positive contributors discovering forgotten qualities they did not think they had.