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SLOW < strategies of slowness
from 2002-09-07 to 2002-10-20

Opening date: 2002-09-06

Slow is low. Slow is deliberate and attentive. Slow moves lightly and opulently.

Associated Events
Time and Production - Film program

If somehow simply nothing
What I love is Slowmotion, Grace and Purity.
Fresh Fruits like Peaches. Flowers.

Time is a historically, socially and culturally defined order. The validity of any particular concept of time is always selected to be an instrument of social power.

SLOW unites positions that counteract life in the fast lane and concentration on the present, positions that embrace the past and the future in the understanding of time. SLOW describes processes of becoming and developing, the end of which is not necessarily a ready-made product. SLOW takes time for reflexion and contemplation. Slowness makes it possible to look more closely at processes, to consider, to reflect, to react and to act. SLOW incorporates various concepts of time and creates an expanse of time and thought in which the development of utopias can take place.

concept: Elke aus dem Moore

organisation: Shedhalle-Team

artists: Crista Ziegler (Zurich), Giorgio Ronna & Bernd Schurer (Rio de Janeiro/Zürich), goslab (Tblisi), João Modé (Rio de Janeiro), Karl Holmqvist (Stockholm)Patricia Bucher (Zurich/Paris), Susanne Sauter & Ralph Bärtschi (Zurich)